September 27, 2006

Whale Vomit

I was in the office yesterday, when some of my colleagues was gathering around talking, mostly crap but out of a sudden, Mr Incredible (one of them) say something about whale vomit. According to him he say that when this particular whale vomit, the vomit is used in perfume production. Then Mr. bom pi pi no.1 (another of my colleague) and I bursted out in laughter because it's sound a bit unbelievable and we doubted Mr Incredible 's have such good general knowledge on animal.

Photo courtesy of Hal Whitehead laboratory, Dalhousie University.

Then today as I was surfing the net checking on this issue and I found out that apparently what Mr Incredible have said is absolutely true. The waxy substance known as "ambergris" or "vomit" has a scent that is used in making perfumes so that the scent can last longer or as an "Aphrodisiac" too.


Occasionally ambergris is a soft, foul-smelling waste matter that floats on the ocean. But years of exposure to the sun and the salt water of the ocean transform the waste into a smooth, lump of rock that boasts a waxy feel and a sweet, alluring smell. Something I found quite interesting to share, to find out more please check on the google.

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